Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today after church Don and I went to see a movie. He had a birthday card so it would have been free, but there wasn't any thing playing I really wanted to see except Avatar and we had just missed the 1st. seating and the next one wasn't until 4. Didn't want to wait that long as we'd get home too late so Don went to see a Matt Damon movie and I strolled around Bridgeport Mall. Those of you who know me know I do almost all my shopping at the Goodwill and sticker shock at some of those stores about did me in. Needless to say I only got two things, a headband and a children's book. There really wasn't anything I needed anyway but I had to wonder how families make it if they pay full price for things. Kind of like salvation, if we had to pay the full price for our sins we wouldn't make it. Literally! We'd have to die. So thankful for Jesus and his willingness to pay full price to cover our sins and to reconcilling us to God. That's a bargain even Goodwill can't beat!


  1. Hi Diane! I think I may have figured this out. Enjoyed reading your entries. Pray for our bible study that I have been a part of going on 2 years now. It has been awesome and I have learned so much. We have all become so close

  2. Great thoughts Diane and you are right!! :-)

  3. And how important it is for us to be aware of what we need and do not need and not be dazzled by the world's displays.
